CV writing

When it comes to getting a job, the most important document you own is your CV. It is the document that gets you the call from the recruitment agency or headhunter, gets you the interview and eventually lands you the job, with due importance to your performance at the interview.

Keep it clean

Untidy CVs are an immediate turn-off. Crumpled, stained sheets are pushed to the back of the pile and neat, clearly printed CVs are paid attention to. I think most recruiters would agree that they do the same.”

Cut the flash
Keep it simple, is what most HR professionals recommend. “We don’t need to see your creative side unless the job demands it,

Tell no lies
Eventually, what will get you into the interviewee’s seat is the fact that you have what the company is looking for and the interview is the next step to making sure you haven’t lied about your qualifications or skills.

Update regularly
Update your CV as and when you pick up new skills or change jobs. “Do not leave time gaps in your CV,”

Source: Rediff

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